
Gifitng Chocolate for Fathers Day

Fathers are our role models in life. They are someone without whom our lives would not have been so beautiful. Father’s Day is a special day to celebrate the spirit of fatherhood. The day is celebrated across different parts of the world with a lot of enthusiasm. Sons and daughters send beautiful gifts to their fathers and convey their respect and love for him. Joy and laughter often come as part of the package and through these few small gifts, Dad is honored for the protection and generosity that he provides.       Chocolate can be an original idea to celebrate the occasion by bringing a little sweetness into the life of the man of the house and the huge range of varieties and selections allow this delicious gift to become truly personal. Belgian chocolate is world famous for being made by the most skilful artisan chocolatiers, each of whom builds on the country’s acknowledged tradition and expertise. A box of these precious treats can symbolize a child’s love for a father, whil

A Fit and Sweet Life

From a young age, we're told to not eat too many sweets, including chocolate. However, dark chocolate, especially if it has a high percentage of cacao, can actually be good for you. The world is becoming a fitness freak and our special one may avoid eating chocolates – but there is a solution to that as well. Yes, you read it right- and the solution to this is giving Dark Chocolates to your loved ones. Dark chocolate is rich in minerals, such as iron, magnesium, and zinc. The cocoa in dark chocolate also contains antioxidants called flavonoids, which may provide several health benefits.   There are numerous benefits of having dark chocolates which include-  ● lowering cholesterol levels  ● preventing cognitive decline  ● reducing the risk of cardiovascular problems  ● Athletic performance  Chocolate comes from cacao, which is a plant with high levels of minerals and antioxidants. Commercial milk chocolate contains cocoa butter, sugar, milk, and small quantities of ca

Health Benefits of Chocolate

 Scientific studies have shown that dark chocolates are rich in antioxidants and packed with nutrients, making this bittersweet treat a super food favorite. Dark chocolate contains phytonutrients called flavonoids, which are plant chemicals that act as antioxidants and may play a role in cancer prevention, heart health, and weight loss as noted by several key studies. The cacao from which the chocolate itself is extracted  is packed with numerous antioxidants — actually more than green tea or red wine.  The best Dark Chocolate concentration is actually recommended to be about 70% or higher, any lower and it's likely that they contain fats and other substances that diffuse its effectiveness. one thing is for sure: Dark chocolate contains a ton of nutrients. Of course, the darker the chocolate the better, but any 70 percent dark chocolate or higher contains antioxidants, fiber, potassium, calcium, copper, and magnesium, according to a study published in the journal Antioxidants &a

Godiva Ramadan Gold Chocolates

Eid is one the most anticipated holidays of the Islam community that marks the end of the Holy Month of Ramadan. This special day is celebrated by Muslims all over the world where they endorse the teachings of the Holy Quran and strengthen the brotherhood. They also use this holiday to thank Allah for giving them strength and endurance during their fasting throughout the Holy Month. Many things happen during Eid. One of them is individuals showing their happiness, and love for others by giving as much as possible to charity. During Eid, Muslims also send their good wishes to their loved ones and families and exchange gifts. Since Eid is almost here, you may be worried about the best gift to buy for your loved one. The good news is we are here to help you. Here are a couple gifts for Ramadan Eid to choose from for your loved one.    Dates are one of the easiest and most common gifts given for Eid. Dates are very healthy and delicious and have been a part of Middle Eastern culture for

Best Chocolate Brands In Dubai

They say Ramadan is like the rain, it nourishes the seeds of good deeds. This Ramadan, spread happiness and adds a touch of sweetness to your family and friends' month with some chocolates and dates. Ramadan chocolates and desserts make up an essential component that completes the Iftar and seasonal gifting experience. But as people are becoming more health conscious they look for healthier alternatives to satisfy their sweet tooth. Confectioners and chocolatiers are now offering an array of healthier indulgences that have organic, gluten-free, sugar-free and vegan properties. However, with all its wonderful qualities and delicious flavor, chocolate must be consumed in moderation, and in accordance with an individual’s lifestyle and eating choices.    When choosing a chocolate brand, you should be looking out for ones that are high in quality and as close to raw chocolate as possible, while still being appetizing. Milk chocolate and white chocolate can contain high quantities of